Oct 272018

So many pumpkins this week, it was ridiculous! We worked on the letters Z, W, and V, and talked about zombies, werewolves, and vampires!

We made Jack o lanterns as a class, they are outside our Windows to show those walking by, check them out!

It was a good warm up for our field trip to the Galey Farms pumpkin patch! We rode a hay ride pulled by a tractor to the patch, then everyone got to pick a pumpkin to take home. Each pumpkin had to fit through a hoop, so it was hard to find a good one. Next we rode a train ride around the farm, seeing all of the spooky sights. After lunch we visited the petting zoo and playground. The best part was it didn’t rain! I have heard horror stories from past trips about the rain…

The next day we wrote about our favourite part in our journals, they were our first attempt, and turned out pretty well.

We practice more pattern work, making patterns using different objects.

We read a new story, called Interrupting Chicken, about a chicken that always interrupts story time. We discussed what we could do to practice not interrupting as a class, as that has been a challenge for us so far…

And finally, we got to meet baby Tyson, as part of our Roots of Empathy course. We learned a lot about trying new things, how we learn, and ways we can experience emotions. The students were very excited, and I was told they were great with baby Tyson.

Next week is halloween, costumes are encouraged for Wednesday, though no masks, as we have to be able to tell who is who.

Hope you all had a fun time today at the Halloween dance, and have a good weekend, see you Monday.


Oct 192018


Handouts for the Field Trip went out Monday, most came back, just missing a few. Let’s get those forms in.

We went over the letters f, b, and j this week, with b helping us focus on our bat work.

We finished our work about bats on Thursday, completing our chart about what we learned, and our own personal hat showcase.

We learned that: bats are mammals; that there are two types of bats, mega and micro, each eating their own thing; bats use echolocation to hunt; and bats don’t turn people into vampires.

We shared our learning with a bat project.

Our bats have B wings, and our poem is about the 5 little bats. You can see them displayed in the hall outside our room.

We also drew some bats with direct to draw. They turned out pretty well.

We practices our numbers more this week using our 10 frames. Showing what 2 to 9 looks like. We will soon start more number activities, and practice rotating stations.

Our Roots of Empathy started this week, with Ms. Ramona coming in and showing pictures of baby Tyson, a baby that will be coming into the class next week. We will learn all about what the baby goes through, and slowly build empathy for ourselves.

The interm reports were sent out on Thursday. They are a minor report for parents to know how their child is doing so far, after being in school for a month. Each listed individual goals for what we are working on to improve our learning.

Next week is our field trip to Galey Farms, if any parents would like to volunteer and accompany us, you can let me know.

Have a good long weekend and see you Monday.

Oct 132018

Hello! We sure had a warm week for October, hope everyone had a good long weekend.

Our letters this week were o, u, and l. We drew some lions to go with the letter l.


We used 10 frames to show what numbers 1 to 10 look like. Everyone is pretty good at showing what each number looks like using their 10 frame. We have started practicing filling the top of the 10 frame up first, to help us keep track. Eventually we played a game, where I rolled a number, and the students had to quickly show what I rolled. Some interesting strategies developed to try and show the number as quick as possible.

We made our d is for dinosaur artwork this week.

We began our science work by talking about our 5 senses. We practices using some of them, and looking at different characteristics used for classification. We started a chart, and so far have covered sight and touch.

Next week we will add taste, smell, and sound to our discussion. We spent most of our science time sorting objects based off different describing attributes. It was funny because when I mentioned science, all of the students thought there were going to be explosions, or that we were going to the lab. I had to explain that not all science is explosions, that it starts with observation, what we see and hear with our senses. After that comes explosions!

And on Friday we started our work on bats. We created our class KWL, writing what we know about bats, and what we want to learn.

Lots of discussionabout vampires. So it’ll be interesting to see what we learn about.

We also started our Curious George weekend buddy adventure, where a student was able to bring Curious George home for this weekend to have fun with, read a book, and journal about. So keep an eye out for an extra backpack.

October’s book order was sent in today. If you missed out, that is fine, your order will just be added to November’s. New order forms will be sent home on Wednesday.

We have a field trip to Galey Farms on October 25th. A permission form will be sent home Monday.

Thursday I will also be sending home a small interm report about how your child is doing, and what we are working on to improve our learning.

Have a good weekend, and see you Monday!

Oct 062018

One month in, and we have learned so much already!

With our letter work, we focused on r, m, d, and g. We were going to make dinosaurs with d, but ran out of time, so next week it is.

With our number work, we have been looking at different patterns, and using different manipulative to make patterns.


We talked a lot about our Rights and Responsibilities this week, and continued working on our booklet. We focused a lot on personal space and keeping our hands to ourself, as that has been an issues this last week. We will continue it next week.

We also talked about what Thanksgiving is, and what we are thankful for. Each student made their own turkey craft, which was sent home on Friday.

And practiced drawing a turkey too!

We met our big buddies on Friday, and got to make pumpkin pie tarts and a special Thankful turkey craft, which can be seen in our hallway.

Our big buddies helped write and come up with ideas for us. The cutting and colouring was shared betwean both.

As we start to get into colder weather, don’t forget to bring mittens and hats to help us stay warm.

Next week you should be getting a field trip form about our upcoming trip to Galey Farms on the 25th, should be an exciting time, as all of the kindergarteners will be attending. Our class will look at the letters o, u, and l, we will look at what numbers 1 to 5 look like, and learn about sorting and describing objects based off their properties.

Enjoy your long weekend, and see you on Tuesday!