Jun 012019


We survived what felt like the longest week ever, with our Beacon Hill trip, Fun Fair, and so many other activities going on.

With our letters, we worked on v, w, x, and y. Only one letter to go before we are finished!

With our numbers, we works on more addition and subtraction strategies, focusing more on number lines this week. We went outside and drew some number lines on the playground.

We also worked on our own personal stories. We read some pictureless storybooks, and discussed how every story has a character, a setting, and a beginning, middle, and end, where some problem occurs and gets fixed. With our knowledge we practices creating stories outside. Here are a couple.

We are putting the finishing touches on our paper copies.

Our caterpillars have formed their crysalist, and will hopefully turn into butterflies soon. We will be looking more into butterflies next week.

Our trip to Beacon Hill was a lot of fun. We got to see the running of the goats, some eagles, a large herring neat, feed the ducks,  and check out some turtles. A reminder not to bring expensive things on the fire.

Next week on the 5th we are waking back to the m’akola center on Wednesday, planning on making some fathers day projects. On the 12th we are going to play some for the year and trip. The week after is beach day and aboriginal day. And the last week of school is fun day… So busy for the rest of June.

Have a good weekend and see you Monday.

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