Keaton Stephenson

Jul 062019


I hope everyone is enjoying the start of their summer vacation.

This was my first year of Kindergarten, and it was a lot of fun! Both the students and I learned a lot, and grew together as a classroom community.

For our last week of school we had our graduation on Tuesday, it was great to see so many people turn out. On Wednesday we had our fun day, lots of activities going on. And finally on Thursday was our year end assembly and class party. We had popcorn and watermelon, and watched the pokemon movie.

I am glad that I will be back next year at Ruth King, and will be able to hear about all the summer adventures that are happening right now.

See you all in two months!

Jun 232019


Second to last week is done, one more to go! I’m definitely not counting the days…

I don’t really remember what we did Monday and Tuesday, mainly because Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were so much fun!

Our beach day was on Wednesday, we went to Witty’s Lagoon. It was a long walk down to the beach, and an even longer walk back, but we made it and had a lot of fun. Lots of exploration, especially crab hunting.

On Thursday we celebrated our Aboriginal Day with a lot of activities. We started the morning with our friendship song and watched a really cool dance performance. We got to do some rock painting and create a talking stick. We watched a Raven tale show about how Eagle lost its hair. In the afternoon we had a tug of war battle, where our class managed to defeat me in an epic showdown. At the end of the day we got to sample some bannock and salmon, it was delicious.

On Friday we went for our Teddy Bear picnic at Carlow park. It was a lot of fun, and those with bathing suits got to enjoy the water park.

Next week is our last week before summer break. On Monday I will be sending home all of their work. Enjoy the Kindergarten scrap books!

On Tuesday we will have our Kindergarten Graduation in the afternoon. It starts at 1pm, with an outside party afterwards.

Wednesday is fun day, with free range activities in the morning, and sprinklers in the afternoon.

Thursday I am still figuring out, as it is our last day, so we will probably have a fun movie day.

See you all next week!

Jun 172019


Our third to last week is over, only two more to go! Our field trip on Wednesday to Play Zone was a lot of fun, it felt like everyone needed a nap after though.

We reviewed the numbers 3 and 4 this week, as well as had an extra long math rotating station on Friday. We got to create a pirate treasure as well as a flower recipe.

We finished off our butterfly work, and most managed to use their own sounding out powers to write what they learned about butterflies by themselves. They are on display in the hall.

I hope everyone enjoyed their paint pouring portraits that went home Thursday, they turned out pretty well.

Next week is another big week, with Wednesday being beach day, Thursday is Aboriginal day, and Friday is our Teddy Bear picnic.

Also the week after, Tuesday the 25th will be our Kindergarten Graduation, Wednesday is fun day, and Thursday is the last day of school! Jam packed full of fun these next two weeks. See you all on Monday.

Jun 082019


Welcome to June and the count down to the end of the year! 3 weeks left!

We finished off our letter book this week, adding Z is for zebra to it. It will be sent home the last week of school.

We started our review of numbers 1 to 10, working with our 10 frames, number line, and printing practice.

Our walking trip to the M’akala house was a lot of fun, we got to try out some paint pouring, and made a lovely gift for next week’s Father’s Day.

We finished off our look at story telling and story elements, with our own little stories! They are currently in the hallway if you want to come by to read them.

We also started a KWL on butterflies, and released 4 of our 5 back into nature this week. Next week we will finish our look into them.

And our last visit from Baby Tyson occured on Wednesday, where we had a fun dance party with him.

Next week we have a field trip to Play Zone on Wednesday. The 411 is that siblings are allowed, but must pay separately from us. Should be a good week.

Have a good weekend, and see you Monday.



Jun 012019


We survived what felt like the longest week ever, with our Beacon Hill trip, Fun Fair, and so many other activities going on.

With our letters, we worked on v, w, x, and y. Only one letter to go before we are finished!

With our numbers, we works on more addition and subtraction strategies, focusing more on number lines this week. We went outside and drew some number lines on the playground.

We also worked on our own personal stories. We read some pictureless storybooks, and discussed how every story has a character, a setting, and a beginning, middle, and end, where some problem occurs and gets fixed. With our knowledge we practices creating stories outside. Here are a couple.

We are putting the finishing touches on our paper copies.

Our caterpillars have formed their crysalist, and will hopefully turn into butterflies soon. We will be looking more into butterflies next week.

Our trip to Beacon Hill was a lot of fun. We got to see the running of the goats, some eagles, a large herring neat, feed the ducks,  and check out some turtles. A reminder not to bring expensive things on the fire.

Next week on the 5th we are waking back to the m’akola center on Wednesday, planning on making some fathers day projects. On the 12th we are going to play some for the year and trip. The week after is beach day and aboriginal day. And the last week of school is fun day… So busy for the rest of June.

Have a good weekend and see you Monday.

May 252019


We had some hot weather this week, don’t forget to pack a hat and sunscreen.

On Tuesday Science Venture came to our school, and we got to learn more about our senses and how to organise and classify objects. The best part was everyone got to wear a science lab coat.

We worked on some subtraction strategies with using a 10 frame board and a number line. They are getting really good at practicing crossing out or jumping numbers to solve equations.

We had a discussion about the changes we see in Spring, and painted some nice cherry blossom trees over the week, they are displayed in our hallway. I will add a picture on Monday.

On Thursday it was outdoor classroom day, and we spent most of the morning learning and investigating nature around our school. Everyone was very keen to use the magnifying classes again.

Next week is our big field trip to Beacon Hill park, to check out the playground, feed the ducks, and visit the petting zoo. It should be a fun trip! Though apparently the bus will be full, so any parents planning on joining will need to find their own way there.

Have a fun weekend, and see you on Monday.


May 182019


We had a big week with a couple of fun field trips this week.

On Tuesday we went with the grade 4 class back to Goldstream park. We got the opportunity to release baby salmon in the river, and went on a nature hike to the nature hit. It was a lot of fun and a great experience.

We spent the week finishing off our look into how plants grow and the life cycle of plants. We made some flip books to show our learning. They are displayed outside our room in the hallway.

We have been working on our classroom art project for the fun fair auction. It is looking pretty good, and I’ve heard a lot of compliments so far, so keep an eye out for it at the fair.

Next week we will have science venture come in on Tuesday for some fun science experiments. We will look more into stories, and start creating our own.

Have a good long weekend, and see you Tuesday.

May 102019


Picture day was on Thursday, everyone was looking pretty spiffy. You will be getting class pictures around mid June.

We worked on the letters o, p, and q this week, and made a q is for quilt art to put into our ABC book.

We have started making math equations in the morning, using our finger strategy for addition and subtraction. Next week we will look at subtraction using 10 frames.

Our plants have been growing like crazy. We have been making science observation notes in our booklets, labelling our pictures of what we see.

On Thursday we sent home the mothers day gift home, enjoy your personalized decorated flower pot! The plants will either be sunflowers or bean plants. They will soon need to be replanted into a larger pot for further growth.

Next week we have 2 field trips. On Tuesday we will be going back to Gokdstream with the grade 4 class. On Friday we will be walking to Centennial park by Spencer. Both trips will be in the morning.

Have a good weekend, and see you Monday.

May 032019


Another big week gone by, and we are now into May! Two months left to go.

We worked on the letters l, m, and n this week, adding them into our booklets.

We continued looking into addition strategies, using 10 frames this week for adding 1 or 2 more. Here is a picture of some of the strategies we use in class.

Our chicks have finally all hatched! They all turned out black and brown.

We finished off our look at chickens with sharing our learning, now displayed in the hall.

And our seeds have finally started to sprout! We have 2 types of growing in our class, beans in a CD case, and beans in a bag. So far the beans in the CD case have worked great!

We have been recording our observations in a science journal, labelling what we see.

Today our class also explored nature outside, by using magnifying glasses around the school, it was a lot of fun.

We also had our big Jump Rope For Heart event today, where classes got to participate in 7 stations, with various jumping and skipping activities. It was a lot of fun and very active.

Some upcoming event for May

May 9th is our class and whole school picture, so dress your best!

May 10th Pro D

May 24th PAC pizza day

May 29 a field trip to Beacon Hill, forms will be sent home in 2 weeks.

May 30th PAC fun fair, usually in the early evening from 5 to 7ish.

Have a good weekend, and see you Monday.

Apr 272019


Hope everyone had a good weekend, sounds like a lot of camping and Easter egg hunts happened.

We worked on the letters i, j, and k this week, putting them into our alphabet books.

We started a discussion about addition and subtraction, creating a chart about strategies we use. We are still working on it, should be posted next week.

We started looking into spring, and all of the changes we see. We practiced drawing some spring items, in preparation for an art project in a couple of weeks.

With the spring season in full bloom, we started talking about plants. On Friday I put together some beans in a bag and beans in a CD case. We made some observations in our plant book, and hopefully by Monday we will see some action (I’m not the best gardener, so here is hoping).

We finished off our throwing and catching unit in gym, by playing an altered game of handball. Next week we will work on skipping again, getting ready for the Jump rope for heart next Friday.

Next week we will learn more about plants, our chicks will be hatching and we will finish off our work on chickens, and we will work more on addition and subtraction.

Have a good weekend, and see you Monday.