Mar 182019


Our last week before the break, we finished off some projects, and worked on a lot of art projects.

We finished off our 3rd round of letters and sounds. We worked on ue, ar, and er sounds. With some of our extra free time, we worked on more letter art! K is for kangeroo, I is for unbrella, n is for number, and r is for rainbow.

Here are our Kangaroos, Umbrellas, and Rainbows!

With our r is for rainbow, we learned a lot about the colours of our rainbow, the primary red, yellow, and blue, and how they make orange, green, and purple, with an experiment!

We added red, yellow, and blue to every other cup, and placed paper towel between each. Students had to predict what colour the clear cups would turn.

The next day we watched how the colours of each primary colour crawled up the paper towel and mixed together to make secondary colours. It was fun to see the colour changes.

We also learned about leprechauns, and talked about ways to trap them! We made leprechaun faces, with writing things about about what makes us lucky!

We also finished off our work on bears, sharing our information with our KWL.

We also finished our b is for bear, and some pastel bears. They are currently displayed in our hallway.

We ended the week off with some aboriginal artwork with Ms. Chaves and performing our dancing for the school zumba.

Enjoy the next two weeks off, we will be back at it in April, with some home reading booklets and an open house the second week back!

Have a great break and see you in two weeks.


Mar 092019


It was great to see everyone at Gokdstream today. The field trip was a lot of fun, and our first real look at the beautiful natural world around us in Victoria. We went on a scanvenger nature hike, checked out the nature house, and had bannock and hot dogs for lunch. A couple hick ups, but overall a good learning experience.

We spend most of this week learning about bears, and talking about our “best hunt” at Goldstream. We didn’t find any bears, but saw a lot of other cool things.

Our KWL where we shared what we know about bears, and what we wonder about them.

And our best drawings.

We made some b is for bear art, and we will be using the pastels to draw more bears, and share our learning to put up on display for next week.

We worked on our 6, 7, and 8 number sheets, and spent more time with our independent writing.

Next week we will finish our work on bears, and report cards will be sent home. Thursday is the PAC luau dance in the evening, and Friday is sports jersey day. Should be a good last week before spring break.

Have a good weekend, and remember to set your clocks forward an hour on Sunday.

Mar 042019


We dove right into our journals this week, practicing more of our independent writing, by sounding out letters we hear. We wrote about our weekend, what foods we eat, and things we do at school.

We finished up our h is for hundred, and made C is for cat. We have almost finished all of our letter art for our booklets!

On Wednesday we created pink shirts and talked about pink shirt day. We added the pink shirts to our 100 acts of kindness board in the hall.

We looked more into shapes and the attributes that define them. We will finish up our work by trying to find different shapes in nature on Friday at Gokdstream Park.

Most have their permission slips handed in for our fieldtrip, should be a great time. We are planning some fun activities for the day.

We finished our family booklets by creating family trees. Some of the grade 5 leadership students came into our class and cut up our booklets to make posters of our work. They look great, and will be available for viewing during our open house.

With two weeks left before spring break we will be looking into bears, talking about measurment, and preparing for our dance performance on the 15th.

Hope you had a good weekend, and see you Monday!