Dec 162018


With the countdown to the winter break on, we have been very busy finishing up our work.

We raced through our letter of the day this week, working on s, t, u, v, and w.

In math, we worked on numbers 1 to 6, reviewing to draw, write, and tally them. We also learned how to jump using a number line, as well as how to break a number into two smaller numbers.

We also made paper chain patterns! A classic craft for the holidays.

We finished off our investigation into owls, with completing our KWL, and sharing what we have learned.

Each student also shared their own learning, and combined it with their chalk art drawing of an owl. They are currently displayed in the hall.

The main takeaway seemed to be that owls can’t move their eyes, only their heads, and that they use talons to grab things.

During centers this week every student was given the chance to make an ornament craft. They will be coming home next week in a bundle.

Next week we will be going on two field trips. A short walking one to the m’akola housing center on Tuesday to work on a craft with some of the residents, and a skating trip on Thursday.

A reminder about the skating trip: every child must bring a helmet to wear.

Also next Friday we will be having a school wide PJ day and pancake breakfast, should be a lot of fun!

Have a good weekend and see you Monday.

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