May 252019


We had some hot weather this week, don’t forget to pack a hat and sunscreen.

On Tuesday Science Venture came to our school, and we got to learn more about our senses and how to organise and classify objects. The best part was everyone got to wear a science lab coat.

We worked on some subtraction strategies with using a 10 frame board and a number line. They are getting really good at practicing crossing out or jumping numbers to solve equations.

We had a discussion about the changes we see in Spring, and painted some nice cherry blossom trees over the week, they are displayed in our hallway. I will add a picture on Monday.

On Thursday it was outdoor classroom day, and we spent most of the morning learning and investigating nature around our school. Everyone was very keen to use the magnifying classes again.

Next week is our big field trip to Beacon Hill park, to check out the playground, feed the ducks, and visit the petting zoo. It should be a fun trip! Though apparently the bus will be full, so any parents planning on joining will need to find their own way there.

Have a fun weekend, and see you on Monday.


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